Feb 11, 2011

A Mersman End table ~ neighbour's envy, Owners pride

I seem to have a thing for step tables...and something so well made...who can resist its charm...yum!..this piece is currently listed on local craigslist..


Awesomeness! "drooling right now :P"

These tables are generally a part of a typical mid century living room set up, paired with a single arm sectional sofa and/or loveseat(s) set 

or say this, 
Eye Candy...a few more MCM pieces from the Mersman's modern line

So what do you think..could you live with this?? (excuse my partiality to mid century, clean line furniture)

PS: (btw, doesnt the title remind of you of a certain Satan like character from an old (Indian) TV Ad) "smiles"


  1. good find! love the title of the post:)

  2. I have a thing for step tables too. I don't seem to be able to resist buying them for our store, but I don't have a single one in my house. Go figure. :) We have a pair of Mersman steps in my workshop right now that will be going up for sale soon. I love the corner table...so nice.

  3. I really admire them and the mid century modern design....not in my home though I have more of an eclectic layered look!

    Oh and be sure to come and join my Amazing Giveaway from Splenderosa!

    Art by Karena

  4. You're right! Hard to resist their charM with a capital M :).


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