No decor is complete with out art on the wall. If you like to have an accent wall with more than one frame /art work hung in harmony, this post is for you.
Among the number of ways one could arrange wall art, clusters and collages are a popular style of display. Hanging frames in groups and clusters makes for an interesting decorative element. Living or family rooms, stairways etc., with large expansive walls are ideal for grouped or clustered displays. Clusters and Collages make for a great focal point in the room.
Things to be kept in mind are the wall colour, shape and size of the frames being used and the grouping style, so that we could maintain a sense of cohesion in style and the over all theme of the room. You could group them in a symmetric layout or going bohemian with the setting.Its all how you want it to be!
I would like to share a few arrangements/styles I have been saving in my inspirations folder :)
source: flickr
A random arrangement with frames in varying sizes
source: flickr
Going symmetric with the layout and the choice of frames...
An all square layout...
source: flickr
A few more of the random layout
Dressing up your entry way...and giving it an art gallery look with lights...
source: flickr
A feminine and country style touch to the cluster...
There is also a trend of splitting a single poster or an art work into individual frames and hanging them in a cluster....say something like this...
image source:
How about a set of beautifully framed mirrors
I found this picture wall company with their off-the shelf combination of frames to give your wall that dressed up look...All jamming to form a huge square or a rectangle on the whole.
you could mix and match more than one such cluster...
Another set of fixed frame setting for people who prefer pre-fabricated layout...
source: simplygraciousstyle
What ever your style, for an elegant and coordinated Picture wall
Pick a wall that gets viewed a lot but make sure it is not in a high traffic area. (This is to avoid the frames from being knocked off the nail and protect people from getting hurt)
Colour scheme of the background wall is an important element of the entire design
Ensure a common theme or a striking element while selecting frames and photos to be hung. For example, you could go with a mono/multiple theme based cluster, or all black and white pictures which look cohesive, one large art on canvas with smaller ones in similar media etc.
your cluster needs to begin a few inched above a normal couch/sofa back or a sideboard set against the wall and go up to a little above the eye level.
I came across Thangka on flickr and loved it. I read more about it and had drafted a post for The Design Enthusiast. The subject of Thangkas was so expansive that I was lost among the number of documents, library material and books I had collected to write this post. However, I still feel I could have written more on this ancient art form.
Image Source : wiki
This is a Bhutanese thangka depicting the Jataka Tales, from Circa 18th-19th century,
Location: Phajoding Gonpa, Thimphu, Bhutan
I saw the Calender version of Thangkas framed in a house tour posted in one of my oft visited blogs :)"Once Upon a Tea Time Design Stories" and was inspired to finish and publish this post. I am glad that Thangka is going to be my come-back post after a month long hiatus.
A "Thangka," also known as "Tangka", "Thanka" or "Tanka" (Pronunciation: [toːnkoː], the "a" as in the word "water;" the "g" is silent) (Tibetan: ཐང་ཀ་, Nepal Bhasa:पौभा) is a painted or embroidered Buddhist banner which was hung in a monastery or a family altar and occasionally carried by monks in ceremonial processions. In Tibetan the word 'than' means flat and the suffix 'ka' stands for painting. The Thangka is thus a kind of painting done on flat surface but which can be rolled up when not required for display, sometimes called a scroll-painting. The most common shape of a Thangka is the upright rectangular form."
History and Origin of Tibetan Thangka and Fresco
The origin of Thangka dates back to the early Tubo Kingdom in Tibet region. This art is said to have been prevalent as early as 3rd century AD, in Nepal.
Circa, 605 CE, King Srong Tsan Gampo united Tibet. As part of a political diplomacy, he married Princess Chizun, also known as Princess Bhikruti of Nepal and Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. He constructed Potala Palace and decorated them with murals and Fresco, and there by promoted Tibetan style of painting. Princess Bhrikuti, a devout buddhist, is said to have brought the images of Aryawalokirteshwar and other Nepalese deities and the Nepalese art form - Thangka to Tibet.
Fresco and thangka are two most popular forms of Tibetan painting and a major Buddhist art form in monasteries. Thangka is thus one of the oldest art forms still in existence. There are records of fresco on monastery walls which date back to the times of Lord Buddha and the early Buddhist monks who lived in Himalayan monasteries of Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet and India. This makes Thangka at least 2000 years old. Over the centuries, Nepali and Chinese art have had a significant influence on Tibetan painting and art in general. This is reflected in the facial features of an image or the depiction of scenes and backgrounds in a Thangka.
As of today, we can find exquisite Tibetan, Nepali and Bhutanese versions of Thangkas on murals and fresco in monasteries and palaces, and as scroll on cotton and silk.
Image source:
There are prints and postcard version for those who cannot afford original Thangkas.
Thangka - technique and process
Painted Thangkas are done on cotton, canvas, or silk cloth and mounted on silk brocade. Colours used are water soluble mineral and organic pigments, treated with herbs and natural glue.
Thangka painting techniques follow stringent iconographic rules. From the way a canvas is prepared to the actual drawing, painting, and mounting the finished work in brocade, are all done with meticulous detail.The technique used to paint arms, legs, eyes, nostrils, ears, and various ritual implements are all laid out on a systematic grid of angles and intersecting lines. It is more like assembling a painting with icons of existing clip art for example, objects such as the alms bowl, animals, or even the shape, size, and angle of a figure's eyes, nose, and lips etc are painted using strict geometric grids
Although the process seems to be too mechanical and very scientific, an artist needs to have a strong understanding of the symbolism involved to capture the spirit of the thangka he creates. Most of the Thangkas are explicitly religious and every symbol or emotion depicted must follow the guidelines laid out in Buddhist scripture.
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Mural of Chenrezi - the bodhisattva of compassion, Palkhor Monastery, Shigatse
Image source: wiki
Bhutanese thangka of Mt. Meru and the Buddhist Universe, 19th century
Location: Trongsa Dzong, Trongsa, Bhutan
Buddhist monks who traveled from one monastery to another used thangka paintings as a teaching tool which could be rolled up and carried around. As of today, Thangkas are more than just wall hangings or art. A well made Thangka is an exquisite piece of art and is used -
as a teaching tools when depicting the life of Buddha
as a medium describing historical events related to Lamas, narrating myths associated with various deities.
as the centerpiece during a ritual or ceremony
as a meditation tool to help bring one closer to divinity
Image Source: wiki
About the Thangka (above) : 19th Century Mongolian distemper with highlights of gold, depicting Shakyamuni flanked by Avalokiteśvara and Manjushri The form of Manjushri depicted here, is not wielding the characteristic flaming sword, but there are many forms of the eight great bodhisattvas, some are based on the Indian tradition, and other from visions of historical masters.
Thangkas are believed to create positive influences in their surroundings and awaken the mind and energize consciousness. It is also believed that we could accumulate good deeds by just looking at a thangka. Also, one could attain inner salvation by meditating on thangkas.
Types of Thangkas
The most common ones are painted in colors
Cloth Appliqué
Based on the Background - Gold, Black or Red
Popular Subjects
A thangka generally portrays the Life and teachings of Buddha, any other religious deity, or a concept in Tibetan cosmology, astrology or medicine. These paintings generally represent Buddhist and Hindu Gods, Goddesses, meditating Buddha and His life cycle, wheel of Life, Mandala, Bhairab, Manjushree, Green Tara etc.
Image source:
Thangka artists
The thangka painters are mostly men who start while they are very young. They are trained by an experienced artist in the family for over 10 years. The art of making Thangka is passed down from one generation to another and is generally maintained as a family secret. Economic conditions of these artists was deplorable until a few years ago. However, a few of them have been able to open their own galleries owing to a nominal demand for this art form in the international market.
Image source: wiki
Times have changed and the Art of Thangka making has spread to the west. I get to see quite a few Thangka workshops being held by monks across various locations in the USof A. Back in Nepal, Students are also trained in Thangka schools. Here is a detailed video about Thangka making...You could find the remaining parts posted in youtube...(I recommend that you see them to understand this art form better)
I would love to own a Thangka one day or at least visit a Tibetan Monastery to appreciate it in its original splendor!!! Ah!! Before I end this is a beautiful video I d like to share .....