Sep 10, 2010

Happy Ganesh Chathurthi

Wishing a very happy Pullayaar chathurthi.

I came across a Friday Show and tell event at My Romantic Home and decided to participate in it. I thought I would talk about my 2009 Ganesh Chathurthi celebration at home.

It is a tradition in our family to make a clay idol for the celebrations and then immerse the idol in a well or a lake nearby after Three days of festivities. The tradition of immersing it in a local lake or a well makes it is very important to avoid synthetic colours and plaster of paris, etc to sculpt the idol. Keeping my green design ideology in mind, I made a whole wheat (atta) ganesha (the pic above) and used water colours to decorate it.

 2010 - This year's ganesha is a Work  in Progress.:). And now, I am off to post my entry @ the Show and Tell event!


  1. Sudha! Really? Atta? What a fab. idea! happy ganesh chathurthi!

  2. hi gagan
    Thank you and wishing u the same....yes it is atta

  3. This is super....I just loved ur Handmade ganesha..and pooja performed to it.I am looking forward for 2010 ganesha of ur home.Happy ganesha chaturti to you and ur hubby!

  4. Thank you Rashmi...wishing u and the family the same too :)

  5. Atta ganesh? Awesome yr, I would like to give this a try. Happy Ganesh Chathurti Sudha..

  6. hi Rekha, yes it is the roti dough :)...this year it is nine grain (nava dhaanya ) ganesha...results are far from what i expected :)

  7. This is gorgeous.. gorgeous!! Out of aata?? really!! wow!! Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to you!!

  8. Thank you Patty...happy ganesh chathurthi to you too

  9. Lovely Sudha...The Ganesha is gorgeous. Where is the 2010 Ganesha dear? Nava Dhanya or Raggi Ganesha...Either way, there is something special, when you create the idol yourself.
    May lord Ganesha make all your wishes true...
    I am looking forward to the 2011 Ganesh chaturthi, where we can all have the festival lunch together...

  10. thanks anu
    This years was a mixed grain one...will post them soon..thank u for the wishes...waiting to meet u too :)

  11. happy ganesh chaturthi dear sudha.
    out of atta and then paintings it,thts something so nice ....good work done dear

  12. Wow !!! Your Ganesha looks fabulous. Can't wait to see 2010 one.

  13. hey geeta

    thank you...that is sweet...will do it soon :)

  14. Wow Sudha... you made a Ganesha out of atta! And it looks fabulous!
    Way to go Sudha... Keep sharing more and more creative and eco-friendly ideas.

  15. hey
    thank you...thats a huge compliment

  16. Very serene, Sudha. Little late, but wish Ganesha brings happiness and luck to you! Eco-friendly Ganesha gets two thumbs up from me.

  17. hi Pree
    thank you :)..wishing you and your family too

  18. That's really very artistic and beautifull Lord Ganesha.....!!!


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