Oct 17, 2010

Friday Finds - Propeller table & An Artist Showcased

I came across Damon's work via flickr. It was great to find a very talented sculptor and artist who loves to turn scrap metal and found objects into pieces of art. One such creation is his Propeller table. I am glad he agreed to be featured on The Design Enthusiast.

This Propeller table is what triggered my interest to feature his work under Friday Finds.
About the table..
Damon says - "The table is made from salvaged junk from my local scrapyard. The base is made from a spun stainless steel half sphere..I found two of them but have no clue what they were from. The section on top of the base is ceramic originally was used at a power station. it is also from the scrap yard, and the propeller fan blade, plus there are some auto transmission parts and a few other scrap yard parts. The glass is a new addition from the smaller one seen in the first pics, it was found at a salvage store"


The table in use :-)..doenst it look like a great Atomic / Sputnik kind of piece.

He has a Sculpture company called Atomic Junk Show and is passionate about turning scrap and salvaged parts into art forms! (yes, even the furniture pieces are art forms in every sense).

About Damon:

Damon started welding back in the 80's and owns a sculpture studio is in Akron Ohio. He seems to find some amazing junk/scrap locally, which inspire him to create more amazing things!

To see what I mean, here is a peek into his world>> Flickr 

He says
"My studio is filled top to bottom with ton's of cast off scrap, that can be transformed into what you see in my picture's...there is nothing better than taking something no one want's and transforming it into something people are willing to pay good money to own it." I find his style is very industrial and sci-fi (I cannot help it, its the stainless steel love in me talking)....:-)

He is all set to open a store called The "Bomb Shelter" in Arkon, Ohio. He plans to showcase his work and fill the 10,000 square foot store with cool vintage, antique, retro, industrial and new pieces.He is a regular at local scrap yards and drags all kinds of stuff home to create found object sculptures...

Damon says - "it's truly unbelievable what people scrap! I love the vintage scifi movie's and just about anything that relates to old science fiction, so a lot of my work is influenced from that. "

I loved his work. Isn't it is nice to see people find beauty in everything around them. Such people are really inspiring and I secretly envy their creative skills..:-)

All pictures courtesy :Damon


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