Nov 18, 2010

Friday Finds - Gossip Bench (A reintroduction!)

I had written about this furniture piece in a previous post back in the month of April 2010. It just got lost in the pile. I decided to reintroduce this fascinating furniture piece as a Friday find. I appologize for the repetition but wanted to rejuvenate reader interest on some previous research. :-)

I recommend that you read through my previous post and let me know what you think>> Gossip benches. I tried my best in mentioning about various furniture styles via this post. 


  1. I've seen this before on your blog.. but have always wondered how I'd use it...

  2. i have seen them being used as an accent piece or an entryway furniture...they are basically meant to be telephone benches..when people were using corded phones :)


Thank you for your comment. You made my day!