Dec 3, 2010

Once Upon a Tea Time....Design Stories Annouces a Giveaway

It is raining giveaways. :)...Priya of Once Upon a Tea time..Design Stories has announced a $50 Anthropologie sponsored giveaway on her blog. I am super excited. 

However, the giveaway is for Residents on the other side of the Atlantic... she has promised to organize a giveaway to international audience as well (soon). Rules are very simple so what are you waiting for!!!...:) All the best folks

PS: If you missed the link in the post here >>Giveaway time: $50 Anthropologie gift card


  1. You won! Congratulations! Could you please email me your mailing address?

  2. hey!
    thank you..mailing you right away


Thank you for your comment. You made my day!