Jul 6, 2011

Cakes and more!! ~ Sindhu's Cakes & Catering

I posted Sindhu's puttu recipe on the food blog a few days ago. I am delighted to announce the opening of her online custom cake  store. She is an amazing cook and an accomplished baker. Need to see more...check her website

>> SweetLite

Look at this amazing cake...super... isnt it :)

Sindhu caters in and around atlanta area...so hop over to her site and place your orders...I assure you..you will love her work. I personally recommend her cakes and appetizers.

I know how hard she works to complete each order with utmost dedication and lends her personal touch to every party she caters to. I have tasted her veggie cooking so I can vouch for its yummy-in-the-tummy-ness!! I hear great reviews for her non-vegetarian dishes as well...The next time you or your friends are having a party..call her!!

image source: Sindhu's portfolio


  1. I have a friend who does cakes, and I know how much work it is. Your friend's cake is gorgeous. I'll tell my friends in Atlanta about her.

  2. hey Dana
    thanks for the offer..that would be wonderful :)


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