Oct 6, 2011

Golu 2011

Hope you had a great Dassera this year. Mine was great!!

I wrote about previous year's golu>>Here. I used to miss home every festival and feel really lonely...This year was fun!! A friend decided to put up Golu and it was fun. I am glad I had such wonderful company. It took my mind off my doctor visits, xrays and pains. Here is a peek into Sindhu's golu :)

Lovely isnt it!! It was a delight to see friends pitch in and the celebrations ended with a sumptuous Prasadam dinner yesterday


  1. Wow! that was nice. Get well fast, by concentrating on the positive aspects of your life, I am sure you have many of them.

  2. Take care and Get well soon.. .!!!

    Beautiful decor... Do participate in the blog party going on at LTU ....;-) ;-) You can find the details here : http://liventhingsup.blogspot.com/2011/10/itz-festival-time-2011.html

  3. Thanks for linking in Sudha..;-) ;-) ..!! Hope to see you in with more and more entries...!!

  4. This is nice.. it sure sounds fun to setup golu, do prasad and enjoy navratri though not in India. Reminds of my neighbours kolu in Illinois, where they had a full nine step kolu and also gave us pretty lovely gifts in thamboolam bags :)

  5. This all looks very beautiful Sudha...hope u feel better soon.

  6. thank you for the wishes and likes/comments :)

  7. Whats up Sudha?? Why so many doctors visit?? and xrays?? Is it your back?? Hope you are well now.. or will get better soon.. before the festive season.. for sure!!

    You take care.. and get some rest.. :-)

  8. WOW that was a nice Golu Sudha. Hope you had nice time. Hope you are fine now and things are under control. get well soon Sudha.

  9. I just got done doing a little research on Golu. It's always interesting to learn about other cultures and to see how they celebrate.

    On a somewhat-related note, I was doing my family tree a while ago and found out, to the surprise of everyone in my family, that I'm actually part Indian. Looks like I'm getting back to my roots.

  10. hi Nick
    thats really cool...:) we have a number of festival and tradition in india and language and culture changes every few miles...its amazing :)

  11. Lovely post Sudha, thanks for linking in @ TheKeyBunch Festival.


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