Apr 13, 2009

Contact me

I would love to hear from you. Views, opinion and topic ideas are all welcome. I plan to showcase artists, photographers and lovingly done homes. Do send in pictures of your home, your flea market finds, interesting travel pictures, everything welcome.

I would love to write about them and share it on The Design Enthusiast. Photographers, artists and all other creative bees; Do send in pictures of your work. I would be more than glad to publish them ( with due credits to the owner).

See you around

reach me : itssudha (@) gmail (,) com

About The Design Enthusiast

I wanted to be an architect and things just went the other way. God had different plans. I started writing this blog to document my research on furniture, furniture manufacturers, and eco-friendly practices followed by them (if any). The blog has evolved into what it is.

I hope to include more content on everything and anything about design and green living
adding pinterest script 3. Changing the Position of the Pin it! button The cool thing about this code is that you have some freedom over where the Pinterest button for Blogger will go over the image. Take a look at the code that you just copied and pasted into the HTML for the word 'center'.