Jul 16, 2016

Antique Fire blower - Bellow

A dear friend Anpu was fascinated by this vintage find in Dubai and bought it. It is a fireplace bellow blower or the आग धौंकनी. It is used for strong blasts of air and used in the Bedouin households while cooking..the 3 holes at the back of the tool let's the air in.  The tribe used this device for rekindling the kitchen hearth when they settled in the evening.

Beautiful isn't it. She has made it into a neat accessory near the fireplace

Pics: Anpu
Item: Fire blower


  1. Such beautiful, intricate work! Good to see a post from you again.

  2. :) thanks a ton for being there. I eagerly wait for your visit on the blog after each post :)


Thank you for your comment. You made my day!

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